Unlimited users

Schedule Install

Schedule Install

Assign and hand it over to the Installer

Scheduling the install is the next stage of the order processing after ticking the checklists.

  • You have an option to assign the job to one of your installers and start keeping track of it.Once the job is assigned, the important process of monitoring job status starts.
  • Posted message section from the Order Stage allows accumulation in one place of all job related messages amongst all eCRM users, the customer and other stake holders.
  • Solar eCRM does it in a very smart way by helping the users to communicate with everyother user through order message/posts/notes.
The process doesn't end there...

Installer assignment

  • Before or after confirming pre-installation checklist and stock order requests, the order can be assigned to an installer.
  • An installer is another user-type who has access only to the installation module.

On-going jobs

  • Now installer has the job and he can access and can update the status of the job from anywhere.
  • All orders are kept in the Orders Pool permanently for on-going analysis of business, segment trends etc.

Orders data export

  • You can export your data in an excel format and save it as a backup for internal reporting.
  • Solar eCRM also provides you with print option where you can print or save a copy as pdf file extension.
Here is what our happy customers want to say

Exceptional reporting in easy, access to latest info at your fingertips.

Imminent Solar Pvt Ltd, Belgaum, Karnataka
Here is what our happy customers want to say

It is a must have software for this new age of solar where it is becoming more and more of a commodity.

Infinergy Power Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, Karnataka
Here is what our happy customers want to say

Adds tremendous value in automation and ease of running a successful solar company.  A fresh entrant in solar business can begin sending professional quotes with all the ROI figures at a push of a button. 

Solar-Apps, Bangalore, Karnataka
Here is what our happy customers want to say

It’s an exclusive software for solar companies which can easily send professional quotations. Only software where in we can customize it as per our process.

MI Solar Pvt Ltd, Baroda, Gujarat
Here is what our happy customers want to say

Suits our requirements, software that we always needed to streamline our process.

Kwatt Solutions Pvt Ltd, IIT Bombay, Mumbai
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